Monday, December 4, 2017

Top Benefits of Juicing, For Me

The greatest part about juicing is you are getting in way more fruits and vegetables than you ever could without it.
I juiced as a supplement to my diet, rather than fasting and using juice in place of meals.

Juice is easier to digest than whole fruits and vegetables. Juice doesn't need to be chewed or broken down in the digestive system, it's ready for the body to take the nutrients it needs.

I also noticed when I started juicing, I didn't rely on coffee as much as I normally do. The natural antioxidants and vitamins in fruit and vegetable juice give you a natural surge of energy. The best part is you don't have that caffeine crash later in the day either.

Juicing is a great way to stay hydrated and detoxify the body. One reason you are constantly flushing your body with fluids and nutrients when you juice. After day 3 of juice detoxing, you start to feel like a million bucks. The only downside is that you will notice that your bladder always feels full, especially the first few days of juicing.

After juicing for five days, I felt healthier overall: Mentally, physically, and even emotionally.
My brain felt so clear. My focus definitely went up a few notches. I was able to run easier because I wasn't full of tons of food, but light and vitamin-packed juice. Overall, I give juicing an A-, just because I could live with a few less tinkle breaks.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I am so impressed with these clip in hair extensions.  I got them at Sally's Beauty Supply store, and I couldn't be happier with the way they turned out.
These extensions are Euronext Premium Remy 18 inch human hair clip ins. 

The set comes with 8 hair wefts with clips and 2 hair wefts without clips:  One 8" weft, one 7" one 6" weft, one 5-3/4" weft, four 1-1/2" wefts, and two 1" wefts without clips to test for color.

The hair I bought is naturally straight, but I use a curling want to curl it myself. The whole process of applying and styling the extensions takes around 45 minutes. If i've already curled my hair and the extensions previously, it only takes 5-10 minutes to place them in.


Do you have a favorite hair extension brand?

Day 3 Workout

For today's workout, I just went for a 3 mile run.

A little slower than normal. My toe hurts, so I'm still proud of myself for running this long.  I did 5 pull ups, but not as a part of my workout. I want to be able to do 10 pull ups in a row. I know that's not even a lot, but it is for me. A few months ago, I wasn't even able to do one pull up at all.

Do you have any workout goals, if so what are they?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Day 2 Workout! HELP! Toe Pain.

I'm trying to keep each workout under an hour. My arms are already sore, which means I clearly don't work them out as often as I should, or I actually had a great workout.

I struggled running for 30 minutes today because I didn't hydrate properly and all I could think about was stopping to get a bottle of water. Regardless, I finished my run without stopping. 

My workout gave me a blister!! :(
After today's run, I noticed that I have a blister under my big toe nail and it hurts pretty bad. I think it's because I wore my old running shoes and they're not in the best condition. I guess it's time to toss them out. I'll be sad to part with them. HA. I've been wearing them for 2 years now.

Anyway, I need to figure out how to get rid of this toe pain. Have you guys ever experienced a blister under your toenail? 

Simple Overnight Oats Vegan Friendly


1/2 cup Quaker Oats rolled oats
3/4 cup Coconut Milk or Silk almond milk
1 tablespoon chia seeds
1/2 cup frozen fruit (I used Giant's brand of mixed berries)

Mix all ingredients in a container big enough for oatmeal and chia seeds to expand.

I use frozen fruit for my overnight oats because when the fruit melts down it adds more flavor to the oatmeal. I was using fresh fruit, but the oatmeal was very bland the next day. If using fresh fruit, I'd wait 2-3 days before eating the oats so they have more time soften and mix with the oats better.

What are your favorite overnight oats recipes? Let me know, I look forward to trying them.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Simple Strawberry-Banana Protein Smoothie


1 cup dole frozen strawberries and bananas
1 cup Coconut Milk
1 scoop Muscle Milk Protein Powder

This is a nice simple recipe/treat before or after a workout. It took me 2 minutes to prepare this because everything is already ready, you just have to toss it in the blender for a minute.

Now, you can use fresh fruit, I just find it easier to use frozen fruit and to store frozen fruit. I always end up wasting a ton of produce when I buy it fresh. 

Today's Little Workout

I went to the gym this morning to get a little workout in. I'm trying to run every day this week and I'll share a picture and my workout after I complete it each day.

Here is day one:

I did my 5 minute warmup at speed 3.0/0.0 incline and then I ran for 30 minutes at speed 5.5/0.0 incline.

I will be running on the treadmill and at the gym for my daily runs. So, you will either see a picture of my run and times on a treadmill or a screenshot of pacer after I complete a 30-45 minute run.
Day one is complete and here are my pictures, I will post updates daily and then a final picture after 6 weeks. Saturdays and Sundays are my rest days. 

My main goal is to be and feel healthier. I want to tone my legs, arms and stomach up, but I do not have any weight loss goals. I just want to feel and look healthier.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Anastasia Glow Kit Review

 This is Anastasia's Aurora Glow Kit, and it is absolutely addicting. Actually, I am obsessed. I wear it every time I wear make up now. I will probably not buy another brand of highlighter ever again.

The highlighters are metallic powder highlighters for intense luminosity. The highlighters are velvety and creamy. The highlighters can easily be used for a subtle glow or to get that glazed donut, brighter than the sun glow. 

Here are swatches of all 6 of the highlighters.

I used different colors each day, the only color I haven't worn yet is Spectra. It is a little too bold for me.

Spectra: Plum shade (Not Pictured)

Eclipse: Champagne/peachy golden shade.

Helia: Pale lime green shade.

Luna: Silver/white shade

Lyra: Orange shade

Orion: Pale powder blue shade-- You can make this more blue by layering it on. I didn't an intense amount of blue on my face.

Malibu Strings Swimwear

Malibu Strings sent me 2 beautiful bikinis. This one and a purple one the same style.
The bikini is very eye catching. It shines in the sunlight. They'll be perfect for this coming summer. 
Other swim suits on their site comparable to this one are called Liquid Metal and Shine On. 
They have a wide variety of swimsuit, bikini competition wear, and other clothing items. 

I suggest you go up a size in the bottoms than you'd normally wear. I'm normally a medium bottom, but these were a little snug. I mean they look and feel great, but I like things not so tight so I should've gotten a large. The top fit perfectly and I always wear a medium bikini top

Go get your suit today at!

Trying to Run

I'm teaching myself to run and it's not easy. It is not easy mentally or physically, but it is getting better. My biggest problem is that I can't clear my mind enough to enjoy the run. I just keep thinking about how long I've been running or if its almost over yet. 

I started out horribly. I couldn't even run one mile without gasping for air or sneaking in a few walk breaks and just told myself I did it. I mean at the time, it was better than staying in bed and not doing anything. Then I started using Couch to 5k (C25K), an app that helps train you to run a 3k. This helped me a lot.

Now, I no longer use the C25K app and I am able to run 4 miles straight. I use the tricks I learned from running with the app. I always start with a little stretch, then a 5 minute warmup. The most important thing I use is my own motivation. I tell myself it's almost over, keep going, and soon enough I'll be done. I set my goal at 45 minutes of running straight and tell myself I can do it and now I do. It's amazing because I never ever understood how people were able to run a mile so easily and I never thought I'd be able to run a mile and enjoy it.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

While I Was Away...

I know it's been a few months since I last posted. I didn't have a computer and my phone wouldn't let me post pictures.

I learned a few make-up tricks in the meantime. It actually looks like I'm wearing it now rather than being a blur ball of mismatch make-up. 

This is m new level of make-up application. I remember just recently I couldn't even put on fake lashes for the life of me. Thank God for Youtube!

This was the best hair and I curled it with a screw driver and a hair straightener. It took two washes to get it back to my natural wavy hair.

First Thanksgiving Turkey!

Happy late Thanksgiving! 
You guys get to witness my first ever Thanksgiving turkey. He was a big guy! 

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Allergies Suck!

I feel like I have the worst allergies ever. First my throat starts itching, then the sneezing comes, and then my eyes itch and hurt really bad. Benadryl, Zyrtec, and Claritin really don't help me in the allergy department either. I have found a few things that do help that are natural.

1.) Warm water and fresh squeezed lemons
I mean I guess you can also use the bottle of lemon juice, but I haven't tried that. Now, this remedy only works for me if I drink 60-80 ounces of water. Believe me, it is well worth the hundreds of bathroom trips.

2.) Honey, lemon, and apple cider vinegar
Again, with this you have to drink a lot of water (maybe it's the water and not what's in it). I really believe it's because lemon and apple cider vinegar flush the body of toxins, and that's what gets rid of all of the symptoms.

3.) Washing my face and hair after going outside
This helps a lot too. It gets rid of the pollen that gets stuck to your face and hair. You don't really think about how much a quick rinse can help reduce your allergies.

4.) Finally, staying inside
Not the best solution, who wants to be stuck inside when its nice outside. Sometimes its the only thing you can do though.

Friday, June 2, 2017

I Scream, You Scream. We All Scream for Ice Cream.

I probably scream a little more than most people for ice cream. It is my favorite summer treat. I'd eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if I could. That's not healthy though. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

How to Carpet Clean for a Fraction of the Price

Carpet cleaner is ridiculously overpriced in my opinion. It can cost  anywhere from $20 to $40 a bottle, and if you're cleaning your floors like I do, you're using a bottle or two in just one session.

 You know that fresh, crisp clean feeling you get when you have a freshly washed towel? Well, that's the feeling you get from my "new" floor cleaning method. I used 4 caps filled with cheap laundry detergent to do a much better and way cheaper job than any expensive carpet cleaner I have ever used. 

I fill the water compartment of my Bissell carpet cleaner with water first and then add the laundry detergent into the water compartment. This just keeps the soap from sudsing up before the water tank is full. Then all you have to do is clean like normal. 

The soapy water does not make the floor sudsy, and the floor dries just like it would if you used regular carpet cleaning solution. The two main differences are: It is way cheaper, and the floor feels much cleaner. So, next time you clean your carpets be sure to give your laundry detergent a try. 

Check out a carpet rake at this website below for more affordable cleaning options:

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Run, Run As Fast As You Can

First day of running in a week or so. It's getting a lot easier! I ran this morning and then again at 630. I'm excited to be healthy again. I'm down to 143 from 156 and I feel 1000x better than I felt this past winter. 

I ran 5 miles today. I'm aiming to run 7 miles a day by this time next week, and eventually (hopefully) 10 miles a day.

Here's what I am rewarding myself with for a day well spent. WATERMELON. My favorite! Food is not a reward, but heck, I want it. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Naked 2 Swatches

Naked 2 by Urban Decay is the only eye shadow I have been using lately. It's my favorite. It's perfect to create looks for any occasion. I want to try new eye shadows, but I don't because why would I. I can do almost anything with this eye shadow palette.

Looking at the palette, you can tell just how much I have been using it.

1.) Foxy
2.) Half Baked
3.) Booty Call
4.) Chopper
5.) Tease
6.) Snakebite
7.) Suspect
8.) Pistol
9.) Verve
10.) Busted
11.) Suspect

These are my 2 favorite ways I wear this shadow. If I don't feel like wearing a ton of make up I will just cover my eyelid with the color booty call and then use tease in my crease. It looks cute and almost natural.

The next three are styles I don't prefer for the day time, but more for nights out.

I use a blend of the same four shadows mostly. I think you can tell my favorite colors.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Summer is Approaching

 Summer is coming so soon and I'm excited to spend as much time out of the house as possible. It is way too beautiful to waste time stuck inside when it is nice out. April has been a little tricky lately. This past week it has been hot, chilly, rainy and absolutely beautiful outside.  I just can't wait any longer for it to stay nice out. Here's just a little update of what we have been doing with the nice weather.

This little turtle was so cute. I was so excited and sad that I couldn't take him home. It's sad that I wouldn't have seen the little guy if john hadn't pointed him out to me. He was smaller than my thumb nail! 

Rocky has a personality for sure, especially when it is warm out and he doesn't want to take one more step. He will stop right in his tracks with no warning. Guess he was super exhausted.

Jay Robb Egg White & Whey Protein Powders

 Jay Robb offers two types of protein powders: egg white protein and whey protein. 
The egg white protein is available in four different flavors (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and unflavored). Personally, I prefer the vanilla and unflavored because they work well in almost every protein smoothie ever.
At just 120 calories, the egg white powder has 24 grams of protein regardless of the flavor. 
The egg white protein is free from MSG, Acesulfame-K, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, aspartame, sucralose, lactose, cholesterol and sugar.

The whey protein powder is available in six different flavors ( vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, pina colada, tropical dreamsicle, and unflavored).

At just 110 calories, the whey powder has 25 grams of protein regardless of the flavor.

Visit for more.