Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Formulx Natural Recovery Whey Protein

Are you looking for an all natural, healthy whey protein recovery formula? Well,  then Formulx is the "whey" to go. Pun intended. It is excellent! And on top of being all natural it also tastes delicious, almost like chocolate milk. I've never tasted a protein drink nearly as good as this one.

Check this product out at

This is how I recieved the products. Its perfect for on the go lifestyles. I live at school most of the year and this is perfect for when I'm in a hurry to get to the gym and workout.

Its so great! I absolutely love it already.  I knew from the first sip that it was going to be satisfying because most peotein drinks have me trying to force them down. This is a  recovery drink you'll look forward to. Heck, I'd workout just to drink it. I drank It after my workout and I felt more energetic than before I worked out. 

I definitely approve of this recovery drink. Don't forget to check out today!

Disclaimer: These products were given to me in exchange for an honest review. 

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