Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has several health benefits and should be added to your daily beauty and health routines immediately. Especially with summer around the corner, this surprisingly super healthy fat could be the one thing missing from your diet.

Let's start with topical use of coconut oil. Yes, you can use it on your skin. 

#1. It gets rid of acne and can clear your pores. Weird, huh? An oil can actually unclog dirty pores. That's because of it's antibacterial properties.

#2. It can be mixed with sugar for a moisturizing scrub, or you can use it as a daily moisturizer.

#3. Dry hair and scalp? Melt coconut oil between your fingers and rub into scalp and down hair strands, and use as a deep conditioning treatment (it may even promote hair growth. I said may.)

#4. It can also be used as an anti fungal. So yes put it on your nasty feet and let it work miracles for athletes foot and other smelly, itchy feet problems you may have.

You can also ingest raw coconut oil or use it in cooking.

Taking a table spoon of coconut oil 3x a day can actually aid in weightless, but you have to build up to eating this much coconut oil. The first few days that I ate coconut oil, it made me feel awful and nauseous, but a week later I felt 1000x better than I have ever felt. 

The healthy fat provides energy and helps you feel full faster. It also aids in cleaning the digestive tract and will clear skin from the inside out.

If you don't like the idea of ingesting raw oil, you can try cooking with it. I've made pancakes with it and they are really good. Just replace melted butter, with melted coconut oil and you're ready to go. You can also try adding melted coconut oil to smoothies and protein shakes too.

Definitely try coconut oil, if you want to experience a new you. Don't knock it, until you try it. 

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